Thank you for sharing my essay and for encouraging me on my creative journey!

Also, I always thought "Silent Cal" seemed like an interesting character and your snippet about him is so funny - adding One Summer to my reading list!

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Paul Millerd

Great read, thank you for sharing. Really resonated with the term "serendipity economy." Totally true, we need to learn to live with that uncertainty. Reminded me of one of my favourite books--The Wisdom of Insecurity, by Alan Watts.

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Love that book

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Insightful read, thank you for this. I've definitely found writing to be an amazing tool for coming with new ideas; you never know what you're going to uncover.

Also, this is the third time I've come across someone mentioning Paul Graham's in the past few days. I definitely think it's time to start exploring his work!

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Ditto on the Paul Graham referenced being mentioned throughout the week -- illustrates how he serves as a pillar for 21st century expression.

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This is profound and true. Thank you for sharing. In our modern era of work, work, work, it's easy to forget about the detrimental health effects to our body and spirit. My grandfather used to say, "None of us live long enough to learn all of the hard lessons ourselves, so we must also learn from the hard lessons of others." In that wise spirit, I've shared photos of overcoming Wireless Radiation Sickness on my Substack. This was an important missing piece that was affecting my work and creativity. Best of life to you! https://reclaimedwellness.substack.com/p/wireless-radiation-a-missing-piece

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The Stutz doc was so good! Jonah did a tremendous job of distilling his lifelong teachings. It made me laugh, cry, and think which are all the ingredients of a good day.

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