Resonate a lot with liking neat stories. One thing I've been struggling with is the sense that, despite it being simple now, my life might not make any conventional sense to me in the future. That's pretty terrifying to me.
What do you think a new collective narrative might be?
"Nowhere to transfer" describes the mood of disorientation very well, and also it seems like a good thing, because ultimately we have to stop looking for external direction in favor of inner navigation. We need transformation instead of a new form of transference.
People working remotely have found their life got a lot better but experienced a subtle emptiness that they couldn’t explain. I sense it was just the awareness of a collective lostness, being in a time in which most people don’t really share a narrative about what we should be doing with our time.
Work is front and center in almost everyone's life in today's world and I think when this is the case we need a collective story.
Resonate a lot with liking neat stories. One thing I've been struggling with is the sense that, despite it being simple now, my life might not make any conventional sense to me in the future. That's pretty terrifying to me.
What do you think a new collective narrative might be?
i dont think one will emerge - i think you have to pick your own subcultures and ride with it
"Nowhere to transfer" describes the mood of disorientation very well, and also it seems like a good thing, because ultimately we have to stop looking for external direction in favor of inner navigation. We need transformation instead of a new form of transference.
People working remotely have found their life got a lot better but experienced a subtle emptiness that they couldn’t explain. I sense it was just the awareness of a collective lostness, being in a time in which most people don’t really share a narrative about what we should be doing with our time.
Work is front and center in almost everyone's life in today's world and I think when this is the case we need a collective story.
Welcome to Peter Turchin's elite overproduction, peasants. Enjoy the ride!
I wonder why the collective belief is breaking down now and didn't during the 70's counterculture movement.
cause tons of people were normies not in college haha
Matching plaid ftw. Keep up those photos. Time flies
People reforming tribes and villages are doing the Lord’s work
I like this concept of a traveling village