This speaks to me at many levels! Thank you! "Illegible Ambition" is a term that will stick for long!

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> if someone is overflowing with intrinsic motivation, they likely share and talk about external outcome goals.

I certainly do that particularly with strangers

Now realized because I don’t want to look and sound too weird

This is bad idea because i end up repressing the genuinely heart felt internal goals. And keep orienting my North Star based on these external goals

Had I known earlier I rather be seen weird and get to where I want to go earlier than be lost in a sea of societally acceptable goals

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I am seriously impressed by this splendid piece of writing.

As someone who followed 'the default route' for far too long - I appreciate the ironies contained within it. Well done! ( ... from an Englishman, living in Asia).

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Always inspiring, Paul. Thank you for thinking out these 5500+ words, not to mention the Bonus #8. What a wonderful example of how much writing and thinking you can do when you leave Austin for Spain and time away from the screen. Welcome back to Texas. You missed the lovely days of October after the Summer from Hell, almost breaking those 1980 heat records.

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This was excellent and highly inspirational, and barring a sort of continuity filter the very idea of sabbatical has become a de facto status symbol too.

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this is awesome, thank you!

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First of all, what an amazing reading. And, the feeling that you leave after reading this post, I feel I can do anything, I love it.

It honestly felt like it was written for me, you show me that a lot of my beliefs are just holding me back. I been thinking of starting my own storytelling path online, and to be honest I’m scared. And, this project circles back in a few years or month, start thinking that I can do it, but for some reason I just can’t.

Thank you, for showing me in your writing that it’s not the external or the silly excuses that’s holding me back, it’s just me. I will start today. No more excuses.

Thank you again.

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I re read Pathless path yesterday. I think ai am gonna read it many more times ahahah. I recently decided to save some money to ask for sabbatical or resign if they don’t allow me to take it in the second half of 2023. In that scenario my plan is to go back to Turkey leaving my comfortable job and the chance to become an EU citizen behind. But I am focusing on the possibilities of the path to balance some of the fears I have.

Because the curiosity inside me for learning more about things I am passionate about and the realisation that this is indeed a good & comfortable life but it is not my life won’t let me go.

So with this sentiment I opened up your newsletter and I was starstruck. This was such a powerful piece.

Thank you for finding the perfect words to describe what most of us feels and struggles to put into words.

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yesterday! wow thats cool

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