Love this. "Getting serious" in this way is turning out to be the theme of this year. And it's really just an evolution of the theme I thought it'd be going into the year - growing Aliveness

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Hell yeah!! ❤️‍🔥💪🏾 long game, all the way through

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One of the biggest wins of being adult is to keep your care and spirits up :) Appreciate this Paul

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This resonates strongly. That Katherine Boyle quote is something I've been trying to put into words for a while. And here it is, beautifully written and perfectly ingrained into your important underlying message. Thank you.

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Yes Paul, i am so glad to see this with you. Have you read this essay? Very poignant https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/29/opinion/29franzen.html

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@paul it's "Liking is for Coward. Go for what hurts"

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Appreciate this one, Paul! Well done as always. I’ve long been disturbed by how many of my friends seem incapable of turning that ironic outlook off, and I’ve been guilty of it myself.

Congratulations on the baby by the way!

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This hits for sure Paul, too many times in life when people ask “how’s it going?” I respond with “oh ya know, it’s going” because I was just letting life take me along. It wasn’t until recently when I decided to start giving a damn about things that mattered that I realized how un-serious I have been

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💯 I feel the same way. I attached feelings of neediness to “serious” so now I refer to it as “sincerity”because of this: https://www.michaelashcroft.org/notebook/not-caring-lets-us-perform-better

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Love it! Reminds me of this article by Brie Wolfson about how much people at Stripe truly cared about their work during her time there: https://every.to/p/what-i-miss-about-working-at-stripe

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yes i read that one! I wrote about it a few weeks ago actually https://boundless.substack.com/p/adult-leaps-and-the-ever-elusive

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Beautiful reflection. I’ve been circling on a similar idea in my own work over the last few months, but the simplicity with which you write it makes it all come to life.

Thanks for sharing

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There something about “serious” that makes me think it’s

1. Attitudinal

2. Binary (either you’re or you’re not)

Number 2 make me feel like I wan a scratch out the word More from the title hah 🤣

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Get serious about whatever you love and it will pay dividends in lightness of being.

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