Pathless is a newsletter sent (most) weeks that offers Paul’s thoughts on our relationship with work, the history of work, self-employment, a criticism of culture PR, creativity, learning, reading and other fun topics.

He shares his writing, features reader stories and tries to go deeper than “work-life balance” in trying to understand our current state of work.

Who am I?

I “retired” from the corporate world in 2017 after ten years of working in strategy consulting and succeeding at the default path. I didn’t follow FIRE or anything like that. I just couldn’t do it any longer. I had pretended to be someone I wasn’t for too long.

My writing is focused on making sense of our weird relationship to work and how one might design a fulfilling life in the 21st century. I also write about creating online, carving an alternative life path, philosophy, business and strategy.

Join 23k+ Readers & Explore With Paul

👋 Hey there! I'm Paul Millerd and I write Pathless each week. I typically sit down for a few hours on Friday or Saturday and share what I’ve been thinking and interesting things I’ve read as well as use this as a space to work out half-baked thoughts which may or may not go anywhere.

Most People Are Here After Reading My Book, A Self-Published Book I That Has Sold 55k+ copies

The Pathless Path is a book about my journey shifting from getting ahead (achieve, achieve, achieve!) towards a path where I instead orient around “coming alive.”

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In September 2024, I released my second book, Good Work

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I also run a community. We have 500+ “pathless” humans from around the world. To join, it’s a one-time “pay what feels right” fee.

Here are some other spaces and projects I am working on:

  • ✍ My Personal Site is where I write and share deeper essays and explorations

  • đŸ«Â StrategyU is where I run Think Like A Strategy consultant, a digital course teaching people strategy consulting “secrets.”

  • 🎙 Pathless Path Podcast is my podcast and can be found across all the platforms. E-mail me guest suggestions here.

  • đŸ€ One of my biggest goals is to make friends across the world. I interact with curious people and explore ideas on Twitter, sometimes share pictures on Instagram and try to awaken corporate America on LinkedIn.

Subscribe to Pathless by Paul Millerd

Unexpected takes on the modern world of work. Paul explores our obsession with work and the default path of success and tries to imagine new possibilities for how we can conceive of life, work & what matters.


Trying to dream bigger about the possibilities for how we think about living our lives, creating things that matter, and our relationship to work. Longer essays on and also run a consulting skills course on