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#1 Identity Politics: This nuanced take on anti-white rhetoric and some of the reasons behind it (some more convincing than others) as well as the parallels to religion among the social justice movement.
#2 Fear Setting: I wrote a bit about the four most common fears that people seem to have when thinking about taking a new path in their lives and created an exercise to help you work through them.
#1 “I might not be able to achieve my goals”
#2 “I might go broke”
#3 “My health might fail”
#4 “I might be judged harshly or not accepted/respected by people”
#3 Risks Not Taken: A bit scattered, but an enjoyable read from the Founder of Bonobos, who talks about the risks of not doing something that is pulling you. This line resonated:
It turns out there is risk in taking the steady job. The risk is generally not financial.
It is spiritual.
#4 Magic & Counterfactuals: This interview with Penn Jillette is too good. Ignore the Trump headline, it is the most boring stuff. He offers a reflection on magic and more women pursuing it, our confusion of the idea of a certain type of person versus real people and some great stories like this:
You know Siegfried & Roy?
Of course.
I was having lunch with Siegfried and he was telling this story about dating a woman. I guess he saw a quizzical look on my face and he said in his German accent with his coiffed hair, “I am not gay. I am not straight. I am Siegfried.” I think that’s the only real truth I’ve ever heard. I don’t want to be atheist, libertarian, gay, straight. I don’t even want to be a man anymore. The only team I want us to be talking about is all 7 billion of us human beings.
#5 Paths That Don't Make Sense: I've been fascinated with how many people think they want to achieve or pursue someone else's path. I loved this essay from Matthew Berry (read the first half) on how he ended up as someone that writes about fantasy sports, a job or path that didn't exist before he was doing it. (love/hate is the name of his column):
Therapy helped me realize my first wife and I were ultimately not right for each other, and that the same went for my Hollywood career. Therapy helped me realize I shouldn't worry about money and that I should just chase happiness, even at age 35. And Love/Hate gave me the guts to do it.
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