What I stumbled upon this week, and more…
Living in an Extreme Meritocracy Is Exhausting: We are measuring everything and more than ever — but how do we know if it’s working?
Can you change someone’s mind? Blaise Pascal on the Art of Persuasion
Persuasion: But, out brains are already being hacked to change our minds
Is reality real?: Seeing reality does not matter for survival
Warren Buffett predicted the last 17 year returns correctly — luck or smarts?
How earning estimates are always rigged so that companies “beat” estimates
Fear voting?: Maybe conservatives are just more scared of dying?
Behavioral Economics: Great profile of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (authors of Thinking Fast & Slow) by Michael Lewis. Their research has upended thinking across many disciplines about how people actually behave.
I’m reading Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini — this book is one of the best I have read this year. Filled with many mind blowing examples of how we are persuaded and influenced. Example: When people were asked priming questions like “do you consider yourself adventurous?” they were much more willing to try a new product afterward. Also check out his first book: Influence.
Undone: “A new show about how big stories we thought were over were actually the beginning of something else.” This episode is great
Erik Hurst on EconTalk, talking about why there are so many young men at home playing video games